Advantages of a Energy Check
Find out how, and where you consume

Reduce your consumptions!... Soon your costs

Appropriate suggestions to each profile and impartial advice

What does an Energy Check include?
- Detailed analysis to consumption (better 12 months) of electricity and gas, of the main equipment / receivers.
- Energy analysis, with data collection of the installation and consumption in real time. Definition of the installation load diagram. Recording of the maximum power demand and loads balance by phases (if applicable, for three-phase power supply installations only).
- Proposal of detailed and realistic energy efficiency measures (EEM), supported, with technical features, investment, technical-economic analysis and savings (payback).
- Suggestions for new alternative energy power suppliers in the liberalized market.
- Tips for best tariffs options, the contracted power purchase, the power supplier, and basic educational concepts of rational use of energy, which can allow immediate savings without any investment.
- Study and analyze of the interesting to resource and install renewable energy sources for self-consumption, and thermal characterization of the housing.
Why make an energy check with BG2e?
Quality and experience at the execution
We are everywhere, all over the country
Availability to serve
We privilege the dialogue with the client in the orientation, accompaniment, and presentation of results
How we work?
All our work actions are based on the PDCA methodology: Plan; Do; Check: Act
- Appointment
We contacted to schedule a visit
- Data collection
We collect all relevant data of your building, housing, with a visit on a day (3 to 4 hours) or 2 consecutive days (for energy power analysis of 24 H)
- Diagnostic
We treat and analyse the data collected and draw our diagnosis
- Report
Elaboration, and submission of the final report, with the cost reduction measures (EEM)

For further information, please contact us.