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KNX - networking of the room automation functions


In addition to classic lighting and sun protection control, applications for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in particular form an essential part of modern room and building automation. As a worldwide standard for home and building system technology, KNX also integrates further applications.


Considering that home and building automation accounts for 40% of the total energy consumption, energy efficiency is paramount as well as an increase in comfort. The energy efficiency of buildings as well as the influence of building automation is described in the European standard EN 15232. The methods described there evaluate the influence of the building automation and the technical building management on the energy consumption. The standard classifies building automation and control systems into four energy efficiency classes A to D. While efficiency class C only requires the minimum legal standard without energy-saving automation, the networking of energy-efficient room automation functions is necessary for all applications and demand-oriented control to achieve class A.



KNX offers not only the technical requirement for the integration and communication of the different applications and products but has already shown in a variety of studies and projects that savings of 50% to 60% can be achieved through individual room control and ventilation control alone.

As regards products, planners and installers can choose from over 7,000 certified KNX products which cover all the applications of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

The KNX worldwide standard thus offers the best requirements to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. In particular, the integral networking of energy-efficiency room automation functions of all the trades and demand-based control contribute significantly to energy savings in buildings



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