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ICP - Investor Confidence Project



We are so proud to have joined the ICP - Investor Confidende Project - Europe Ally Network provides valuable input and advice on the development and deployment of the programs and products of ICP Europe. We have agreed to support the goals of ICP Europe: reducing energy efficiency projects performance risk, lowering transaction costs and increasing project demand.

The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) is a global initiative that focuses on increasing energy efficiency deal flow by ensuring that projects are engineered robustly, financial returns are predictable, and project underwriting can be streamlined. The ICP system is comprised of the ICP Protocols and the Investor Ready Energy EfficiencyTM (IREE™) Certification which offer a standardised roadmap for project developers, a market tested methodology for programme administrators, and a certification system for investors and facility owners to accurately and efficiently manage project risk.

ICP is administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) and was conceived, incubated and developed by the Environmental Defense Fund.

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