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IBM "Things" will put the buildings talking to each others

Companies are instrumenting, buildings and facilities, and vehicles with billions of sensors to create what is known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

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How to make your home appear in a different ‘smarter’ light?

How to turn your lamps and lighting smart – Steps and Considerations

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Smart Home or Intelligent Home? What are the main differences?

Are there really Smart Homes out there?

What does make a home smart?

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It’s time to expect more from your smoke alarm

The NEST Protect smoke detector, that thinks, speaks and alerts your smartphone.

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Powerful new battery could help usher in a green power grid

Stable lithium-oxygen batteries could help store renewable energy that can be delivered to the grid whenever it’s needed.

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Which audio setup suits you?

What kind of music system should you choose, or not, to your smart home?

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Do you have a minute?

One Smart Home leave you time for the most important things

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Is it your Smart Home protocol enough secure to intruders, hackers, cyber-attacks?

Protect the privacy of your house, building with KNX.

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Technical Alarms At Smarthomes - Flood Detection

Enjoy intelligent & complete water security for your home

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ICP - Investor Confidence Project

We are so proud to have joined the ICP - Investor Confidende Project - Europe Ally Network provides.

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Would you like a flying friend in your home?

The world's first robotic assistant with autonomous flight, voice commands, anomaly detection security alerts & much more.

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Six facts about burglary and smart home security

Every 18 seconds a burglary takes place in Europe. This makes up nearly 200 burglaries per hour or 4,800 burglaries per day. But the more you learn about the act of burglary, the more you can protect your home and your family.

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The new efficient heating and cooling system to the future!?...

The Italian, architect Carlo Ratti proposals to replace traditional heating and cooling systems (HVAC) with personalised environments for different occupants in a building.

That will aims to reduce energy use with personalised heating and cooling systems. Let’s have a look.

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EnOcean makes the Smart Home smarter

Energy harvesting wireless technology for self-powered wireless switches, sensors and controls the state of the art way to home automation and energy saving.

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It's time to introduce "Alexa"

After we had introduced Google Home and HomePod the brand new and future voice assistant from Google and Apple is now time to introduce Amazon - "Alexa" the oldest tech-voice solution in the market.

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The new HomePod from Apple

"Siri" has all kind of answers.

And may help you to command and manage your home.

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Loxone Smart Home - Wireless Solutions - Autopilot Living

Loxone makes your home safer, more comfortable and energy-efficient.

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Google Home – Made by Google

The importance of home automation at nowadays, already aroused, interest in the main technology stakeholders and big players: Google, Apple, Samsung, among others.

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KNX is the leading protocol in the European & Chinese smart homes market

According to the latest Smart Homes market study realized at the most relevant countries.

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KNX - networking of the room automation functions

In addition to classic lighting and sun protection control, applications for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in particular form an essential part of modern room and building automation. As a worldwide standard for home and building system technology, KNX also integrates further applications.

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Advantages of a Energy Check

What does an Energy Check include?

Why make an energy check with BG2e?

How we work?

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The new ETS Inside

Home & building automation is everywhere today. ETS Inside is KNX’s answer to this growing trend. Find out all about ETS Inside, the new tool to create your smart home project. Discover the new revolutionary KNX software now!

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KNX IoT - " Internet of Things"

The “Internet of Things” is a buzzword in the world of information technology. What still has to become part of the general knowledge is already a long known term in expert groups for a new development boost. Everyday objects become intelligent and communicate via the internet.

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Radio RF Wireless Control

Nas últimas décadas, surgiram e continuarão a surgir, novos fabricantes com novas e várias soluções de produtos, assentes num Bus-plataforma de comunicação entre emissores-receptores, suportados por protocolos de comunicação via radio (Rádio Frequência-RF) / Wireless, de afirmação mundial, em soluções de domotica, Plug & Play.

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